Shiatsu: Japanese for "finger pressure", shiatsu uses finger and palm pressure as well as gentle stretching along the same meridians used in acupuncture to harmonize energy flow in the body, loosen tight muscles, and promote well being. Studies show clients receiving shiatsu reported improvements in symptom severity and changes in their health-related behaviour that they attributed to their treatment, click here to read the study. Shiatsu is performed on a mat, fully clothed and is suitable for children and adults. Aubrey offers one hour, 30 minute, and children's shiatsu sessions
Acupuncture: We offer Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture to treat a variety of conditions. The needles are very fine, sterile stainless steel, inserted on specific points to enhance your body's natural healing response. Magnets can be used instead of needles for certain conditions or sensitive patients. A one hour session in a private room includes acupuncture and one or more of the following depending on the condition being treated: orthopedic acupuncture, cupping, Moxa, therapeutic exercise, Myofascial release, or herbal consult.
Chair Acupuncture: We offer community style acupuncture in comfortable chairs in our waiting room for $30! These sessions are scheduled for one hour and are Acupuncture only. Individualized treatments will be given using tongue and pulse diagnosis, however a private consultation is not available with these sessions.
Semi- Private Acupuncture: We are expanding our low cost treatment options. Now offering community style acupuncture on a massage table in a screened off room. This option is $60 for a one hour session of acupuncture only. These sessions do not include cupping, moxibustion, therapeutic exercise or herbal consultation.
Pediatric Acupuncture: Japanese style pediatric acupuncture, shonihari, is used on children from newborn to about 12 years old, and is a non-insertive technique. Children receive light touch diagnosis, and special non-insertive tools are used to gently massage the skin or touch points. Children find this treatment quite pleasant, and the shoni-hari method is highly regarded in Japan as effective treatment and preventative medicine
Cupping: We practice traditional fire cupping as a part of acupuncture sessions when appropriate. The fire heats up the air in the cup, creating suction as the cup is placed on the skin. It does not burn, but it does create reddish or purple marks as circulation is promoted in the area underneath the cup. It feels great and is a wonderful treatment for pain, colds, and congestion. Cupping helps to break the pain-spasm-ischemia cycle that is common in chronic muscle tension and pain conditions and helps to stimulate an immune response. Click here to read more.
Herbal Consultations: Herbal Consultations are available in person or over the phone. An herbal consult is $40 and will include a full assessment of your health concerns. All private acupuncture sessions include an herbal consult if desired. Herbs can be picked up outside our office or mailed to your home for $12.
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Chinese herbal medicine has been used in China for thousands of years, and is an important component of Traditional Chinese medicine as practiced today in China. We have a well stocked Chinese herbal pharmacy that includes almost 200 raw and granulated powdered extract herbs. We compound your custom herbal prescription with raw herbs to be cooked into tea, granulated powdered extracts or capsules. We also stock popular asian patent medicines including cough syrup, weight loss tea, and herbal pain patches. An herbal consultation is included in any hour long acupuncture session with Michele, which will include a thorough intake and discussion of your health goals. The cost of your prescription depends on the dosage and type of herbs you choose. Michele is the recipient of the 2013 Mayway master's scholarship, read her essay about the efficacy and availability of chinese herbs here.
Celluma LED therapy: Celluma is FDA cleared to treat acne, wrinkles, and pain. Celluma is unique and quite unlike any other low-level light therapy device available today. Based on NASA research, Celluma delivers blue, red and near-infrared light energy simultaneously to safely treat a wide variety of conditions. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. For example, some reduce inflammation and some kill bacteria, while others enhance localized circulation. A 30 minute session is $30 or can be added to an Acupuncture session.